2013年7月11日 星期四

Animal of Africa

英國影像設計師 Andy Ward 為了兒童們畫的野生動物圖鑑,但是變得太可愛啦!小朋友,可把英文學起來喔!





數字1-10成語接龍: 一清二楚: crystal clear 一舉兩得: kill two birds with one stone 接二連三: one after another 張三李四: Tom, Dick and Harry 四分五裂: fall apart 五顏六色: all the colors of the rainbow 七上八下: be agitated/upset/irritated 七手八腳: too many cooks (spoil the broth) 七拼八湊: Scrape together 七零八落: at sixes and sevens (亂七八糟 in disorder/ in a mess) 九牛一毛: a drop in the bucket 十拿九穩: in the bag 十全十美: be all roses

Preparing for Winter Break

Dear Students, 
It's so great to be Winter Break.(寒假即將到來) 
Before you leave the campus I want to remind you of the following:(在離開校園前老師想提醒以下事情:) 
1. Don't leave valuables on campus over break. (不要把貴重物品放在學校) 
2. Keep a record of the serial number of any items of value that remain in the room.(最好列出自己放在學校的物品) 
3. Lock the room door and windows.(關緊門窗) 
4. Disconnect electrical extensions.(拔掉電器插頭)


1.Starfall:(1)Cookie http://www.starfall.com/n/plays/cookies/load.htm?f
(2)Lemonade girl http://www.starfall.com/n/comics/lemonade-girl/load.htm?f
(3)Mr. Bunny’s Carrot Soup http://www.starfall.com/n/folk-tales/carrot-soup/load.htm?f
(4)One Rice Thousand Gold http://www.starfall.com/n/chinese-fables/one-rice/load.htm?f
(2)Baking Breadhttp://www.kizclub.com/storytime/bakingbread/first.html
(3)The Enormous Carrotshttp://www.kizclub.com/storytime/carrot/first.html
3.E-yep Kids Bar(1)he Biggest Sweet Ptato in the World http://www.e-yep.com/list.php?page=storyEN&id=827
(2)The Food Chant http://www.e-yep.com/list.php?page=storyEN&id=912

英語歌曲-I believe I can fly

I believe I can fly R. Kelly 

I used to think that I could not go wrong
And life was nothing but that an awfulsong 
But now I know the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms

2013年7月10日 星期三


1.    Satrfall(Word Hunt) http://www.starfall.com/n/holiday/spring/load.htm?f&n=main
2.    彩蛋遊戲Easter Egg Decorating Studio Game(彩蛋著完色後有6種動作給你選擇,記得開喇叭喔!)http://www.dinosaurdesign.com/EggDecoratingStudio.htm
3.    接住復活節彩蛋(小兔子要接從上面跳下來的彩蛋,手上接5顆後就要放到籃子裡去,否則無法再繼續接,會彈上天去再掉下來,如果掉了10顆雞蛋就結束遊戲了。)Easter Egg Catch Gamehttp://www.dinosaurdesign.com/EasterEggCatchGame.htm
4.    Billbear4kids(由來、故事、遊戲、拼圖、勞作教學。http://www.billybear4kids.com/holidays/easter/fun.htm(The Easter Story http://www.billybear4kids.com/holidays/easter/easter/story.htm )
5.    Hershey's (提供食譜、勞作、桌布螢幕保護程式等,還可以自己製作電子復活卡片。)http://www.hersheys.com/easter/